Monday, November 22, 2010

Bookassist iPhone App Hits Scottish Hotels

Bookassist in Scotland are on the road from this week with the kick off of their "Account Surgeries" starting on Thursday 25th of November at The Inn at Lathones in Fife.

The series of workshops will be going around Scotland over the next eight weeks and will not only be re-enforcing how best to use the Bookassist system and maximise direct sales from their hotel website but will be introducing to the Scottish market some of the more recent additions such as the superb Bookassist Hotel iPhone application.

As mobile becomes increasingly important for all things from Ebay, YouTube videos, news, Facebook and on-line sales of all sorts, Bookassist has moved quickly to create a fully functioning web version of the booking engine for the iPhone.

The development of the iPhone version for your hotel is extremely competitively priced and can be developed in a short period of time. So if you're looking to get your hotel more ready for the mobile age give Bookassist Scotland a call on 01292 521404

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