Make Sure Your Email Signature Promotes Your Best Rate
Converting more direct business through your own website is not done with a single large change in strategy but just a whole lot of small and sometimes very obvious actions. So the very simple consideration today is how to make the most of your outgoing emails.Accommodation providers need to use every possible channel of communication to get the message across that booking direct provides the best rates, the best deals and the best service.
The message should be on all printed materials, it should be on every invoice you issue to departing guests it should be on every letterheading sent out.
It should also be on every email every person in your organisation, however large or small, sends out every day.
Every email should be a call to action. Use a graphic message to reinforce the book direct message and always embed a link straight back to your Booking Page or even a specific offer. Don't just link back to your website - take them straight to the point they can reserve online - reducing the number of clicks can increase the conversion. Keep this in mind on your Facebook, Twitter and blog pages as well.
Dropping in signatures is quite easy in Outlook or your Google Mail account but even if you're not dropping in a graphic make sure there's a Direct Link.
With Bookassist web booking engine you can link directly to your booking page or using Price Groups direct the customer straight to the offer, package or date. It makes it so much easier for your customer to book quickly. Try the test links below.
Click to Book Your Room - Best Rate Guarantee or for a special offer
Book Your 2013 Golf Package Online - Two Nights & Three Rounds
Things To Do Today
- Add a link to all your emails going straight to your booking page
- Ensure all your invoices state the your best rates are always available direct
- Link to offers directly from your emails
Bookassist web booking engine allows easy management of your rates, rooms and packages and has been designed to increase your conversion rates.

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