Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TripAdvisor Business Listing

Should you, shouldn't you? From a starting point of about £300 many hoteliers are asking whether it's for them. We're no great fans of TripAdvisor/Expedia strategy when it comes to Scottish hotels but if it can add value and drive more direct traffic back to the individuals own website then it may be worth looking at.

An excellent piece of research from Spanish company Mirai is well worth a ten minute read for the range of opinions vented both in the blog article and by respondents themselves.

Have a look and let us know your conclusions. Is TripAdvisor Business listing for you?


Baskerville Arms Hotel said...

I had a business listing on TA last year, briefly…

At the time, and now, we were also listed on booking.com and Laterooms.

Our listing page on TA also had boxes you could tick and at the time, a big ‘Book Now’ button which of course took you to either booking.com or Laterooms, to which obviously, we pay commission.

So, we ordered the business listing and was horrified when it appeared.

TA had put a single small line of standard text on our listing page which referred to our website, but left the big ‘Book Now’ button in place. So was this value for money? No. Which button is a browsing potential guest going to push? Go figure!!

When I confronted them on this, it was my fault apparantly, as it was I who had the relationship with booking.com etc. and that it was I that should leave booking.com and Laterooms if I wanted the big book now buttons taken away.

I could not understand their logic then or now. It is not I that controls their website! Therefore I had the business listing taken away and a refund was duly paid. Business Listing? Waste of time & Money.

Anonymous said...

I have had a business listing for 6 months and haven't had any business at all via it.

What is really worrying about Trip Advisor is they haven't responded to any emails to cancel the listing and refund the balance as they promise to do.

Trip Advisor are the worst company I have ever dealt with. Just don't get involved with them on a business footing.